
Ercan Customs Consultancy also provides consultancy services in the fields of Foreign Trade and Customs legislation as well as other services.

GTIP Detection:

The Customs and Tariff Statistical Position is the roadblock of the customs clearance period, the non-tax measures to be applied are determined according to the position of the accuser. Experienced cadres help you to do cost analysis by performing the analysis of the person who wants specialization, such as chemical goods and textile products.

Document Receipt and Attachment:

In the foreign trade processes that have the characteristics of Investment Incentive, Weeding, Outward Processing, the required permissions are taken by the Ministry of Economy and your name is followed during the document process. The Approved Person Status Certificate and the Authorized Obligated Status Certificate, which enable your firm to reduce risk criteria at the customs authorities, terminate the application process, the purchase, the follow-up, and the suspension if necessary.

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